Sunday, 15 May 2011

What else can I say? Bonjour!

My name is Bex (yes that is short for Rebecca) and I have recently moved to Strasbourg in France. I was born and bred however, in Warrington, North West England. The last four long years of my life have been in the wet and grey city of the North, Glasgow. It was a good four years culminating in a degree in history and a French fiancé. I'm now 22 and life is just beginning. With my education under my belt I'm finally free to pursue the enticings fruits of life such as living abroad, getting married and entering the real world that so many 'grown ups' have told me about.

I decided to start this blog in an endeavour to cope with the changes in my life. It also seemed the ideal opportunity to expand my writing skills, a career I would like to pursue further. The focus will be on the three previously mentioned topics expanding on the differences between English and French culture and what other Brits can expect to encounter when moving abroad, the expanse of possibilities in front of me as I finally finish 18 years of education and face what to do next, and finally the run up to getting married. Not only the planning of the day but also the many aspects of life that will change for me and my fiancé in July 2012.

I hope that if you are reading this, you find it of interest or failing that at least of some use. I will aspire for this blog to be both instructive and entertaining. For now though, let me conclude this first post with wherever you are: bonjour, hello, salut and good day!

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